Azure Automationにギャラリーが追加された。テンプレート集としても活用できそう

Azure Automation見てみたら、ギャラリーができていました。


Azure Automationは多機能なので、その機能をどう使うかという観点からも参考になりそうです。









  1. Hello World for Azure Automation
  2. Connect to an Azure Virtual Machine
  3. Connect to an Azure Subscription using Certificates
  4. Stop Azure Virtual Machine using Azure Automation Runbook
  5. How to use a PS Command on a remote Azure VM from a Runbook
  6. Start Azure Virtual Machine using Azure Automation Runbook
  7. Copy a File to an Azure VM
  8. Using runbook parameters in Azure Automation
  9. Provision Azure Environment Resources from Gallery
  10. Back up an Azure VM using Microsoft Azure Automation
  11. Create New Azure VM Endpoint
  12. How to Invoke a Child Runbook
  13. Truncate table in SQL DB if DB is approaching max size
  14. How to use a SQL Command in an Azure Automation Runbook
  15. How to use Automation Assets in a Runbook
  16. Copy a File from an Azure VM
  17. Create a new Virtual Machine (VM) on Azure
  18. How to use workflow checkpoints in Azure Automation Runbooks
  19. Provision Azure Environment Resources from Uploaded VHD
  20. Sync runbooks from Visual Studio Git repository to Azure Automation Account
  21. Create an RDCMan (.rdg) file in an Azure Automation Workflow
  22. Download a GitHub Repository
  23. Add Linux VM to existing Cloud Service
  24. Getting Started with Azure Automation - Get Azure VMs using AD Authentication
  25. Connect to SharePoint Online and display all provisioned site collections
  26. Download a Blob from Azure Storage
  27. Download a Blob from Azure Storage+Remove a Virtual Machine (VM) on Azure
  28. Start Azure Automation Child Runbook
  29. Azure Automation - SQL Logging
  30. Azure Automation - Connect to Azure
  31. Azure Automation - Stop Azure VMs
  32. Azure Automation Workflow to Schedule stopping of all Azure Virtual Machines
  33. Azure Automation Workflow to Schedule starting of all Azure Virtual Machines
  34. Azure Automation - New VM Service Tier
  35. Indexes tables in an Azure database if they have a high fragmentation