Azure Automation見てみたら、ギャラリーができていました。
Azure Automationは多機能なので、その機能をどう使うかという観点からも参考になりそうです。
- Hello World for Azure Automation
- Connect to an Azure Virtual Machine
- Connect to an Azure Subscription using Certificates
- Stop Azure Virtual Machine using Azure Automation Runbook
- How to use a PS Command on a remote Azure VM from a Runbook
- Start Azure Virtual Machine using Azure Automation Runbook
- Copy a File to an Azure VM
- Using runbook parameters in Azure Automation
- Provision Azure Environment Resources from Gallery
- Back up an Azure VM using Microsoft Azure Automation
- Create New Azure VM Endpoint
- How to Invoke a Child Runbook
- Truncate table in SQL DB if DB is approaching max size
- How to use a SQL Command in an Azure Automation Runbook
- How to use Automation Assets in a Runbook
- Copy a File from an Azure VM
- Create a new Virtual Machine (VM) on Azure
- How to use workflow checkpoints in Azure Automation Runbooks
- Provision Azure Environment Resources from Uploaded VHD
- Sync runbooks from Visual Studio Git repository to Azure Automation Account
- Create an RDCMan (.rdg) file in an Azure Automation Workflow
- Download a GitHub Repository
- Add Linux VM to existing Cloud Service
- Getting Started with Azure Automation - Get Azure VMs using AD Authentication
- Connect to SharePoint Online and display all provisioned site collections
- Download a Blob from Azure Storage
- Download a Blob from Azure Storage+Remove a Virtual Machine (VM) on Azure
- Start Azure Automation Child Runbook
- Azure Automation - SQL Logging
- Azure Automation - Connect to Azure
- Azure Automation - Stop Azure VMs
- Azure Automation Workflow to Schedule stopping of all Azure Virtual Machines
- Azure Automation Workflow to Schedule starting of all Azure Virtual Machines
- Azure Automation - New VM Service Tier
- Indexes tables in an Azure database if they have a high fragmentation